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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Follow up to Social Networking

Interesting to note that I have had 2 previous clients, that I shamefully lost track of, find me on Facebook this week. Maybe it can be a professional and personal networking tool. Anyone ever used face book for professional networking purposes?

I believe that sales people need to be out in their market place constantly making connections who can either buy from them, or help them find new customers. The bigger your network is the more money you will make, and the more money you can help others make. Yes, its true, helping people achieve their dreams is directly tied to you achieving yours.

Any stories, good or bad you have to share about networking sites is greatly appreciated. either post it here or email us.

Dedicated to increasing your sales



At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coleen, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment - social networking and the tools that are available to us, allow us to build closer and stronger relationships with peers, partners and prospects.

One word of caution though - with using social networking tools, it is important to realize that everything you say and do online will inevitably be traced back to you. Do a google search on your own name and you'll be surprised what you'll fine. Social networking sites are great, but I would strongly recommend not saying anything on those sites you wouldn't say at work.

If you have a strong desire to share political views, religious beliefs or feedback on your manager online, I would recommend creating a user ID that will not show up when someone searches for your name.

I wrote a post some time ago about Reputation Defender, a tool specifically geared with your online privacy in mind.

Thanks for your post, I would be interested to hear the thoughts of others.

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facebook has reached that sort of critical mass where you feel you need to be involved. It is kind of like LinkedIn - you get so many invites and you feel you need to be in there making connections. But Facebook is, first and foremost, a social network, not a business network. As noted in the previous comment, everything you that is posted online ultimately becomes public record and I am a bit amazed at what some people want to share with the world- ie. baby/party/goofy pics, etc. The professional image we project may inadvertently be compromised and we have clients that don't like to see certain pictures of their staff online - while others don't want to employ active Facebook contributors at all...(http://www.peaksalesrecruiting.com/blog/?p=56)


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