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Monday, November 20, 2006

Have a team member that's in a slump?

Here is how you can help.

1) Don’t accuse blame or get mad. Never start the conversation with threats or ultimatum or a “performance improvement plan” The only way you are going to turn your rep around is by showing a genuine interest in helping them through the slump. It’s during this conversation that you must let your empathy shine.

2) Ask questions. Find out what they think is wrong. Ask for their opinion and then genuinely listen to the answer. What obstacles are they facing? Why do they consider these obstacles? What are their customers saying? Doing?

3) Dig deeper. Use your consultative selling techniques to get to the root of the problem. Ask expanding and clarifying questions such as: “What have you done so far to try to resolve the slump?” “How have you handled this situation in the past?” and “How has that worked for you?”

4) Get their advice. Again, more questions. This time aimed at a solution. Specifically, “What do you think we should do to resolve these issues?” or “What suggestions do you have to get you back on track?” Once you have their ideas, you are in good shape to offer your own advice. Your team member will more readily accept your own advice once their ideas have been listened to and acknowledged.

5) Be proactive. You can help avoid sales slumps by regular (monthly at least) listening and coaching sessions. I suggest routinely listening to sales reps calls, or attending client meeting with to get a first hand look at what is happening in the territory. Regular coaching and joint meetings allow you an opportunity to proactively coach your team away from bad situations, and reinforce good behavior. Be sure to reward the positive as often as you coach the negative and you will develop a team that produces consistently and profitably.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Colleen Francis
P.S. Not yet a lead-up(tm) coaching member? Here's another chance to see what you have been missing. www.lead-up.com


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