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Monday, January 08, 2007

The Power of a Grand Vision

Did you know that:

1) Colonel Sanders talked to a 1005 people before he actually found one person who would try his recipe. In sales terms that makes his closing ratio 1005 to 1 and undeniably the worst I have ever seen.

2) Thomas Edison went broke 4 times.

3) Michael Jordan, was cut from his high school basket ball team.

4) A news paper editor fired Walt Disney, because he had no good ideas.

5) Steven Spielberg, was put into a learning disabled class only to get frustrated drop out and never go back.

6) Einstein’s parents, mentally disabled and actually had teachers say to him you would never amount to anything.

What is inspiring to me about these very successful people is that they were able to overcome failure and to achieve greatness. How? They had a grand vision of what they wanted to accomplish. With a grand vision, failures are not absolute but rather setbacks.

What is your grand vision for 2007?

Dedicated to increasing your sales,



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