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Friday, March 23, 2007

Say Thanks

and finally.....

5. Send thank-you notes

Send a thank-you note for every referral, and a gift for every referral that turns into business.
Thank-you notes should be handwritten, on a note card or postcard that isn't branded with your company advertising. Keep a supply of traditional, fun, theme and plain note cards handy for all occasions throughout the year. For a real treat, spoil yourself with a great fountain pen to make writing the notes something you really look forward to.

One last thing - I implore you NEVER to send electronic greeting cards, no matter the occasion. E-cards look like you were too lazy or didn't care enough to do the real leg work needed to honor your customer - and let's face it, that's not too far off the mark, is it?

As you can tell, I am very passionate about a personalized, hard copy note.... This is why we developed a new service for all engage customers at: www.sendyourcardnow.com

To try it out, you can log in as a guest and send 2 cards for no charge - my gift to you!

Username: Engage
Password: Selling

After that, depending on the package that suits you, cards can be sent for as little as $0.31 each plus postage!

Selling is relationship building and www.sendyourcardnow.com is the easiest and cheapest way for all sales people to stay in touch, build relationships and say thanks to their clients on a regular basis.

Go the extra mile, and write a personalized note.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,



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