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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Question from a Blogger!

Colleen - I’m scared to make cold calls. It's a Phobia, I'm sure of it. Can you help?

Ok….It’s true that Phobias disrupt the lives of 15 Million North Americans. These irrational fears can interfere with daily living. About one million North Americans are so disabled by their phobias they can’t work outside the home or manage their every day tasks. The most common phobias people have are Fear of Snakes, Fear of Public Speaking, Fear of Heights, Storms, Sickness, Injury and Death. Seek out a qualified professional if you suffer from a phobia, this may be the easiest an quickest solution to your problem.

Being scared to make cold calls is not a phobia…at least as far as I know. And even if it is, here is an easy way to get over it. Ask yourself. What are you more scared of, making cold calls, or not eating. For me, its not eating. I know that making calls leads to sales, and sales leads to money and food. Therefore, If I am hesitant to make calls on any day, I simply think about what the successful calls mean to me…..dinner! The next time you feel scared of a call close your eyes. Picture a perfect call, one where the customer makes the sale and you get a big fat juicy commission cheque. Next, picture yourself taking that cheque to the bank and cashing it. What does that money feel like in your hands. Now, imagine yourself walking into a fine restaurant and eating a great meal. What does the food taste like, what does the wine taste like? Now open your eyes.

How do you feel about making calls? Better. Good. Get on the phone!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

- Colleen


At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog Colleen, and ironic that we blogged about the very same topic on the same day “I don’t do cold calls”…What?!?. I fully agree with your notion that cold are a necessary precursor to sales success. I make dozens of cold calls each week and I know that cold calls absolutely lead to new business. Another way for someone to deal with the fear of cold calling is to ask - what is the worst thing that can happen if I make a cold call? Seriously, we are not talking parachute failures here. The worst thing that can happen is that a suspect/prospect rejects your *pitch* because they don't need what you are offering (...today ;-) ). Ideally they do it quickly and absolutely, so you can get on to making your next call which might turn out to be a winner. Cold calling is like playing a sport. The more calls you make, the more refined you become, the easier it gets and your success to call ratio will increase!
Eliot Burdett


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