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Monday, May 14, 2007

Technology and the Sales Process

Hi Engage Bloggers!

In the pulp novels of 1950s science fiction writers, the future was a nightmarish place where machines turned on their makers, and robots took over from - or did entirely away with - their human counterparts. For countless sales professionals across the country, that future is now upon us. Only instead of robots, it’s websites, self-service kiosks, email, PDAs, cell phones, and even interactive TV that are threatening to replace us, and do our jobs faster, cheaper, and without needing an annual vacation.

We need to use technology to stay connected with our clients, but we are also at risk of being replaced by that same technology. As our customers demand and use more and more technology, sales professionals must reduce their risk by utilizing technology to increase the effectiveness of all in-person client communication.

Over the next few days we will look at technology and sales in more detail to make sure you are using the tools effectively

Email Communication

Wireless laptops, handheld PDAs, and cell phones now give most people instant access to communication. Email and text messaging is replacing just about every form of communicating. Likely, the day will soon come that email will not only replace mail, it will also begin to replace the people that deliver it.

E-mail is a great way to stay connected to your clients and prospects because it’s fast, and for most, easier than a phone call. Email works! We can communicate with more people, faster than ever before. Frankly though, it doesn’t work effectively often enough because many salespeople are lazy, hiding behind email and using it as an excuse for not making sales. When my below quota sales reps complain, “He hasn’t responded to my email yet!” I say, “It’s time to pick up the phone and call your customer!”

The key to maximizing the effectiveness of any technology you use to communicate with your customers is blending it with other media types. Email blended with voice contact, fax, and face-to-face contact provides the best approach to relationship building, and ensures you can’t be replaced by a technology-only sales process.

Here are some simple email rules:

1. With people you don’t know well, keep all your messages short and clear. Don’t force anyone to scroll down the page, open attachments, or click on links to get the gist of what you are saying. They won’t do it. They will hit delete.

2. Think before you send. Simple rule - make sure you actually send what you wanted to send. “Recalling” a message is a sure way to turn off a prospect. If you are not sure of your message, save it, walk away from your computer, and come back to review the message a few minutes later. Your fresh review of the message will ensure it’s the right message to send.

3. Stop thinking about email as the only tool, and start thinking about it as one communicating tool to master and combine with others so you can stand out instead of being spammed out.

Speaking of other communication tools, I encourage you to use the fax. Why? Because nobody else is! Your fax messages make it to the decision-maker’s desk and stand out because you have little or no competition using this medium. In a business environment where your client’s voice mail and inbox are flooded with calls and messages that all sound and look the same, your fax stands alone.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,



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