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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Voice Mail

Voice mail is a problem for all of us and its not going away anytime soon. Here are some of the best tips I know to handle it effectively!

1. Never leave a voice mail on the first attempt you call. An Engage best practice is to call at least 3 times randomly during the day. If on the 3rd time you still don’t get through, leave a voice mail

2. Never leave a voicemail message for someone who doesn't know you. To the prospect, you're an anonymous caller. The chances of this stranger ever returning your call are, at best, about one or two percent! The only time you should ever leave a voicemail for a prospect is when you have been referred to them.

3. Voicemail should only be used as a last resort. Too often, we give up as soon as the voicemail kicks in on a call, either leaving a message (bad idea) or simply hang up (better, but not great).

4. If you do leave a message make sure you have a reference. Use a testimonial or reference to breakdown the skepticism barrier between you and the prospect. Make sure that the referral sources name is used up front in your message.

5. When in doubt, hit zero

You owe it to yourself to try everything you can to either locate them, or at least find out something about them. One way to do this is to hit zero when a voicemail message kicks in. You’ll likely get bounced to a receptionist, an executive assistant or a co-worker. Try asking the following question:

“I was hoping you could help me. I'm trying to reach Jane Smith, and her voicemail picked up. Do you know if she's in a meeting, or out for the rest of the day?”

Depending on the response you receive, you can then try one of the following strategies:

Strategy one
Them: “She's in a meeting.”
You: “Thanks for your help. Do you happen to know when she’ll be available?” “Maybe it's best to call back then?”

Strategy two
Them: “She's away today.”
You: “Thanks for your help. Do you know if she will be back tomorrow?”

Strategy three
If you speak to your prospect's personal assistant, ask if it's better to schedule a call in advance, and then have them set a fifteen-minute appointment.

6. Hit zero and ask for the sales or customer service department. Ask “I’ve been trying to reach Bob to speak to him about X and I notice he is difficult to reach. Do you know if he is the right person?” Generally customer service team and sales teams will help guide you through the organization and give you insight into how best to reach your contact and whether they are in fact the right decision maker.

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