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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Success in the Year of the Rat

Happy Chinese New Year! According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2008 is a Year of the Rat (Earth), begins on February 7, 2008.First in the cycle of 12 Animal signs, the Rat Year begins the sequence and recurs every twelfth year signifying a time for hard work, activity, and renewal. I’m guessing that many of you have already abandoned the resolutions you made on January 1st so how about using Feb 7th as a sign to renew your commitment to growth. If you need help, email your resolutions to me and I will hold you accountable to achieving your goals: or join Lead-Up! and allow our exclusive sales membership community help you to have a great 2008!

According to Joseph Chau, master feng shui consultant of Mandarin Oriental, 2008 (year of the Earth Rat) is a “period of change” because it marks the start of another 12-year cycle, He adds that because the “wealth star,” is in the east the Earth Rat brings more luck than the Fire Rat, which began the tumultuous fire period from 1996-2007. Chau said this was why the previous 12 years was marked with unlucky events such as the 1997 Asian currency crisis, the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States and the 2003 SARS epidemic. “The coming 12 years should bring more luck than the past 12 years,” he said.

The year of the Rat maybe a good year to begin a new job, get married, launch a product or make a fresh start. Ventures begun now may not yield fast returns, and opportunities will only come for people who work hard, are well prepared and resourceful. The best way for you to succeed is to be patient, work hard, be persistent, let things develop slowly, and make the most of every opening you can find. That’s how you can create the best “luck” Chau describes as coming your way in 2008.

FYI, if you are a Rat, you are: Smart, Magnetic, Well-liked, Affable, Quick-witted, Surreptitious, Selfish, Protective, Calculating and born in either 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008.

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